The Austrian standard ONR 24810, 2020 regulates the effects of actions, design, construction, monitoring and maintenance of rockfall protection embankments. This standard describes the design concept and the constructions in detail. The basic principles are based on the research results of Hofmann & Mölk, 2012, Hofmann et al., 2013, Hofmann et al., 2017 and Hofmann et al., 2020. The constructions are differentiated into five types depending on the front facing and the geosynthetic reinforcement (Table 2). Type I refers to embankments without...
The rapid erosion of alpine valleys can be prevented by torrential barriers. For their design is crucial the thrust acting upon them due to earth and water pressures. From the evaluation of damage events and field investigations it can be inferred that often no water saturation and thus not the full hydrostatic pressure acts upon such barriers. The uncertainty associated herewith is reflected in various guidelines. The field observations can be explained by the structure of the
backfill but also by the distribution of the water pressure. An...
backfill but also by the distribution of the water pressure. An...