Deep aquifers represent a strategic resource because of their quality, generally better than rivers and shallow aquifers. More specifically, in Piedmont Region (Italy) they represent a key source of drinking water and therefore must be protected from qualitative and quantitative degradation.
In this paper, the main strategies that can be implemented for the protection of deep aquifers are resumed. Moreover, the current application of these strategies in Piedmont Region is reported, as a virtuous example of management and protection of water resource.
Deep aquifers represent a strategic resource because of their quality, generally better than rivers and shallow aquifers. More specifically, in Piedmont Region (Italy) they represent a key source of drinking water and therefore must be protected from qualitative and quantitative degradation.
In this paper, the main strategies that can be implemented for the protection of deep aquifers are resumed. Moreover, the current application of these strategies in Piedmont Region is reported, as a virtuous example of management and protection of water resource.