Evolution of management in the quality of OS&H up to ISO 45001

Accidents and fatalities at work have always had a huge social and economic impact. In recent years the phenomenon in Italy does not seem to regress, indeed, the official data of fatality at work report a significant increase; this notwithstanding the widespread legislative activity both at European and national level.

An element of potential improvement is the adoption of a health and safety management system, cited by european and national legislative provisions and regulated by international standards; the recent publication of the UNI ISO 45001: 2008 “Management systems for health and safety at work – requirements for use” allows this opportunity to be developed. 

The purpose of an OS&H management system is to provide a framework and a model for the management of injury prevention and health problems; as for all management systems, a cyclic model is adopted (based on the so-called Deming or PDCA cycle – Plan, Do, Check, Act) aimed at the continuous improvement of health and safety conditions in workplaces.

Furthermore, the management of the safety inserted and integrated into the overall management of the companies can generate a new model of sustainable competitiveness that must be sustained and pursued.

Accidents and fatalities at work have always had a huge social and economic impact. In recent years the phenomenon in Italy does not seem to regress, indeed, the official data of fatality at work report a significant increase; this notwithstanding the widespread legislative activity both at European and national level.

An element of potential improvement is the adoption of a health and safety management system, cited by european and national legislative provisions and regulated by international standards; the recent publication of the UNI ISO 45001: 2008 “Management systems for health and safety at work – requirements for use” allows this opportunity to be developed. 

The purpose of an OS&H management system is to provide a framework and a model for the management of injury prevention and health problems; as for all management systems, a cyclic model is adopted (based on the so-called Deming or PDCA cycle – Plan, Do, Check, Act) aimed at the continuous improvement of health and safety conditions in workplaces.

Furthermore, the management of the safety inserted and integrated into the overall management of the companies can generate a new model of sustainable competitiveness that must be sustained and pursued.

ISSN 1121-9041

2020: 3.8
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