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"data management"

The article examines the peculiarities of creation (updating) digital topographic maps of the scale 1:50 000 for the Main State Topographic Map of Ukraine for creation and maintaining the seamless topographic database for national needs, which is located on the Geoportal to ensure the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in Ukraine. Several special problems were identified along...

The residual presence of critical components (e.g. Asbestos Containing Materials – ACMs) still represents one of the main criticalities for the Occupational Safety and Health – OS&H in many large public facilities. The very first step for an effective Risk Assessment and Management is obviously a clear definition of the different approaches, complying with the Italian general and special OS&H...

This article aims to provide a glance about the current and future applications of Big Data Analytics (BDA) within the Oil&Gas industry, which is searching for an improvement in data managing equal to the improvement in techniques and technologies required by current and future hydrocarbon production. The connection and compatibility of BDA with the hydrocarbon sector is analyzed, highlighting its...

The Lombard territory (Italy), characterized by a historical process of industrialization, is affected by significant contamination both of the ground and of the groundwater. The continuous development of urban areas needs to face the problem linked to the growing presence of portions of the territory where there is the presence of contaminated groundwater (mainly chlorinated solvents and hydrocarbons),...

The residual presence of critical components (e.g. Asbestos Containing Materials – ACMs) still represents one of the main criticalities for the Occupational Safety and Health – OS&H in many large public facilities (Lee and Van Orden, 2007).


The main purpose of developing OSH Management System is to create a sustainable system that does not rely solely on a specific person with OSH expertise. This concept is the core of the International Organization for Standardization – ISO standards which promote the creation of a sustainable system based on the assumption that humans make mistakes. Then, it is argued that government regulations may...

The role of working spaces in workers’ safety is often neglected and reduced to the building final inspection report. Nevertheless plenty of dangers are originated by the building environment surrounding the working activity: wear and obsolescence of building elements, failure mends and vandalism make the original compliancy fade away. The investigation on the real condition of the rooms where work...

Accidents and fatalities at work have always had a huge social and economic impact. In recent years the phenomenon in Italy does not seem to regress, indeed, the official data of fatality at work report a significant increase; this notwithstanding the widespread legislative activity both at European and national level.


When major accident scenarios are considered, the effects of major events which give rise to a serious, immediate or deferred danger to human health or the environment, inside or outside the production or storage area due to the presence in high quantities of one or more dangerous substances are being considered. Events of this type, except in exceptional cases, have always had important consequences...

In residential buildings, drinking water is often used for tasks that do not necessarily require high quality water, such as home-garden irrigation. Our research focuses on the idea of harvesting rainwater to promote sustainable management of low-quality water resources on a building scale for irrigation purposes. The effectiveness of a collection system depends on the weather conditions, which determine...

The Petra Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1985, is characterized by a spectacular landscape but also by a great fragility fragile being prone to a diversity of natural risks (e.g. landslides, flash-floods, earthquakes) which can cause a potential danger to cultural heritage and visitors. The ‘Siq’, a natural canyon which constitutes the main entrance to the archaeological...

Rockfall net fences and drapery meshes constitute two of the most adopted protective structural works against rockfall hazard. During their life, they are subject to ageing, corrosion, and impact loads, with a consequent loss of efficiency or even effectiveness. Due to the variability of the environment and, more in general, to external conditions, a definition of a service life, although not unique but...

A proposal for the management of rockfall protection works on complex infrastructure networks such as that of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano through planned inspections. A conscious management requires an adequate planning of inspections and the determination of economically sustainable ‘thresholds’ of intervention. Since it is not possible to predict the frequency of detachments that...

The area known as ‘delle roccette’ on the Tonale and Mendola Road shortly after Passo Mendola is subject to rockfall, avalanche and debris flow events. To mitigate risks derived from natural hazards, structural and non-structural mitigation measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of an avalanche commission to provide decision-making support to the Road Service. The evaluation of both efficiency and effectiveness of the measures taken, has been validated by the degree of acceptability of residual risk of human life loss before...

This article focuses on the evaluation of the oil and gas potential and the investigation of reservoir properties within the terrigenous horizons of the Middle and Lower Jurassic deposits located in the Kandym uplift of the Bukhara-Khiva region. The assessment methodology presented in this study is based on the analysis of geophysical well logging data curves. The authors conducted an analysis using real...

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Workplace Prevention Techniques (TPALL) of the University of Turin (UniTo) has also been training technical experts in occupational and environmental safety and health since 2003. Among the total 180 training credits, 24 credits are dedicated to specific engineering content, and deal with both plant design basics, and up-to-date Hazard Identification, Risk...

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ISSN 1121-9041

2020: 3.8
CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title.
CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of these documents in these same four years (e.g. 2016 —19).
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP):
2019: 1.307
SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
2019: o.657
SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal's impact.
Journal Metrics: CiteScore: 1.0 , Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.381 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.163

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GEAM - Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente c/o Dipartimento di’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle infrastrutture Politecnico di Torino
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