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"resistivity log"
In the last years, energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources has been largely acknowledged as a necessity to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, can play an important role in this transition. It is not as an energy source but rather as an energy carrier: in layman’s terms, electricity is converted in chemical energy, which can then be converted again in electricity or in green methane, if combined with carbon...

One of the major concern for the gas sequestration/storage feasibility in natural underground formations is the assessment of the sealing efficiency of the low-permeable sequences overlying potential storage formations. The sealing efficiency is quantified via the threshold pressure and/or residual pressure difference parameters; the experimental laboratory procedures for their evaluation have been widely...

Pulp and paper mills are characterized by emissions of malodorous gases that commonly create discomfort for people, also in little concentration in the air. This issue is crucial for enterprises that are not actually using the best available technology for reducing non-condensable gases. Thereby, for existing enterprises, it is very important to realize the proper suitable upgrading by choosing the best...

In mature oilfields, decommissioned oil and gas wells with depths reaching approximately 5000-6000 metres represent good candidate structures for geothermal heat exploitation, as they can provide useful access to subsurface geothermal energy resources. Comprehending the possibility to economically harness geothermal energy by means of coaxial WBHEs is bound to the main features of the physical model,...

The rapid development of the mechanized tunneling in current decades has raised serious concerns about the environmental impact of large quantities of the muck. EPB-TBMs require the use of foaming agents for optimizing the soil conditioning. These agents could contain some chemicals (e.g., sodium lauryl ether sulfate – SLES) that are not included in the current legislation at the Italian or EU level....

Extractive waste (EW) from abandoned mines can pose serious pressure to natural water systems. The harmful effects of EW such as deterioration of water sources by allowing leaching of potentially toxic elements (PTE) into groundwater make it necessary to carry out careful, scientific and comprehensive studies on this subject. The present research used risk analysis approach to study the effect of presence...

The rapid spread of the Industry 4.0 technologies is deeply changing workplaces. In order to achieve the so-called Forth Industrial Revolution, several open issues have to be faced, concerning technologies, enterprise organization and knowledge. Automation systems are already replacing men in manual, repetitive tasks: both shop-floor and office operations are experiencing this kind of transformation....

The availability and accessibility of new technologies is also transforming the world of underground construction sites, where applications developed in the mining industry are rapidly spreading.

Many of these have positive repercussions for safety and...

A global overview of the technologies that can be applied for modern tunnelling construction taking into account the OS&H aspects is shortly presented in the paper.

Description of the material. In this paper a novel methodology for the estimation of the formation permeability, based on the integration of resistivity modeling and near wellbore modeling, is presented. Results obtained from the application to a real case is shown and discussed. The well log interpretation process provides a reliable estimation of the main petrophysical parameters such as porosity, fluid...

The network monitoring system, which has been in operation on the Idro landslide, for several years, shows an average movement of 3 cm to 6 cm a year and defines a displacement area of approximately 270.000 m2. The volume estimation of the landslide is about 5 million cubic meters. The acceleration of the landslide movement is related to the raising of the water table which is linked to increased rainfall....

The tunnel Piscopio I is a twin-tube tunnel, 750 m long, included in the works of the Maxilotto 2 DG21/04 of the new highway SS 106 Jonica (Calabria, Southern Italy). During the excavation of the Piscopio I tunnel, several lacks in the Geological Model of Reference emerged. Above all, the discovery of a complex landslide along the left hydrographic side of the Alessi River, which interfered with the tunnel...

Caves are one of the most important and well-known geological features in the world, an environmental and cultural heritage, as well as an important economic resource for many countries. Their scientific and aesthetic value is often threatened by tourism, which unfortunately exposes them to a series of risks of degradation and, sometimes, irreparably changes. Therefore, the study of underground environment...

The Engineering Geology area studies the physical geography and geomorphology of the “Environment system”. In particular, Engineering Geology deals with the defense of the soil, territory and civil protection, with attention to landslides, hydrogeology, the study of underground water circulation, the geological-technical survey, geological exploration of the subsoil and thematic cartography, geological...

The Petra Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1985, is characterized by a spectacular landscape but also by a great fragility fragile being prone to a diversity of natural risks (e.g. landslides, flash-floods, earthquakes) which can cause a potential danger to cultural heritage and visitors. The ‘Siq’, a natural canyon which constitutes the main entrance to the archaeological...

The National Repository of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures (ReNDiS) is the platform for monitoring measures funded by MiTE from 1999 onwards which aims to managing the evaluation of funding requests coming from Regions. The platform currently contains 6,402 measures for € 6.962 billion and 9,249 project proposals corresponding to € 29.141 billion. In the consistent case history of measures...

Crossing hydrogeological and ecological sensitive aquifers, water ingress can occur, which can lead to irreversible damage to hydrogeological and ecological systems. In order to avoid this, the rock mass surrounding these hydrogeological sensitive tunnel sections is sealed by injections to reduce the hydraulic permeability, the water inflows and consequently the regional water level drawdowns. In deep tunnels, complete sealing is not possible due to the high water pressures.
Residual water volumes will continue to enter the tunnel. The magnitude...

The Po Plain area in the north of Italy can be considered a natural geological and geophysical laboratory due to its complex geological evolution, particularly from the Miocene to today. Much of our understanding about the subsurface of the Po Plain is due to the large amount of data collected during the period of hydrocarbon exploration in Italy. In total more than 7000 wells have
been drilled and thousands of km of seismic acquisition lines have been acquired. Furthermore, the study of the natural gas fields contributed with additional data...

This article focuses on the evaluation of the oil and gas potential and the investigation of reservoir properties within the terrigenous horizons of the Middle and Lower Jurassic deposits located in the Kandym uplift of the Bukhara-Khiva region. The assessment methodology presented in this study is based on the analysis of geophysical well logging data curves. The authors conducted an analysis using real...

The Po Plain in northern Italy is a rapidly subsiding sedimentary basin characterized by a complex geological history that created an extensive fold and fault system that hosts numerous underground hydrocarbon reservoirs. The evolution of the basin is not only governed by natural factors but also by anthropogenic factors that affect both the shallower and deeper sedimentary layers. The Emilia-Romagna...

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ISSN 1121-9041

2020: 3.8
CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title.
CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of these documents in these same four years (e.g. 2016 —19).
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP):
2019: 1.307
SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
2019: o.657
SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal's impact.
Journal Metrics: CiteScore: 1.0 , Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.381 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.163

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GEAM - Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente c/o Dipartimento di’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle infrastrutture Politecnico di Torino
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